Registration Details
Register NOW for Barkhaus's Paint Your Pet's Portrait event, Sunday, July 17, 2022, from 11:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Before registering here make your registration and payment at
After making your payment to Barkhaus, here are the steps required for completing your registration.
First, provide your information and each additional painter's information you have registered. Second, upload each painter's close-up photo of their pet.
Are you registering multiple painters?
Each additional painter will need to supply you with a close-up photo of their pet before you can complete their registration portion. After completing a painter's registration you will be prompted to add additional painters.
NOTE: Register "As Soon As Possible." Seating is limited to 20 painters.
Registration and images need to be submitted before July 10th, 2022. Artist/Instructor, Sherry Kendall, needs time to draw each painter's single pet image on their 11" x 14" canvas prior to the event!